Certum Document Signing

Certum Document Signing allows you to sign documents from anywhere worldwide using a virtual card. What better way to sign all your documents without using a physical card whenever there’s a need? Furthermore, the virtual card is accessible anywhere, unlike the physical card, which, if forgotten somewhere, will rid you of document signing.

Buy or Renew Certum Document Signing

Buying SSL Certificate

Choose the Best Certificate that would help you to secure your website. SSL Certificates would help protect your website and secure communication between client and server. Certum is one of the computer Brands when it comes to cyber security. We understand that choosing a certificate is an important decision, and we want you to be confident that you have made the right choice. Whether you are looking for a new certificate or upgrading an existing one, we have the tools to help you get the job done right. If there are any questions or concerns about our services, don't hesitate to contact us directly so we can address them head-on!

Procurement of SSL Certificate

SSL Procurement Process includes steps such as Choosing the SSL Certificate, Generating CSR and Private Key on the Server, and Submitting the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to Certificate Authority (CA).

CSR Generation Steps:

The steps involve generating the CSR, Private Key, and submitting the CSR to the Certificate Authority (CA) for further processing. Various Server has different CSR Generation process. You can learn more about at the following links:

  1. How to generate CSR in Apache
  2. How to generate CSR in IIS
Validation Process (OV)

Organization Validation is the Certificate that proves not only Domain Ownership but also Organization and Authorization for the person looking to obtain a certificate on behalf of the Organization. Here are a few points to be aware of regarding Organization Validation:

  1. You must verify that you own or control the domain.
  2. Your organization must register with the local government to complete verification.
  3. The Organization must employ the person seeking a certificate.

To know more details regarding the Organization Validation process, check our Knowledgebase.

SSL Insuance

Great, You have completed the validation process, and now you can download the certificate from our website. The certificate has been emailed to you at the email address specified.

Process for SSL Installation:

The process for SSL installation consists of downloading the certificate from the Certificate Authority, copying the certificate files onto the server, and configuring the server to use the certificate. You can learn more about SSL Installation from our Knowledgebase.

  1. How to install SSL in Apache
  2. How to install SSL in IIS

$ 399.99

Virtual Card Document Signing

Security of SHA Function

24/7 Document Signing

Identity Confirmation

Access from anywhere in the world

No need for a physical card

Comes with the highest encryption standards

Easy remote verification

Sign tons of documents in a shorter time

Access with smartphones, tablets or computers

Two-factor Authentication

Compiles with X.509 v.3 (RFC5280)

RSA/DSA 2048-bit cryptographic keys

SimplySign desktop application

Product Specifications
  • Cryptographic Key Length: RSA/DSA 2048-bit Cryptographic Keys
  • Issued by: Certum Certification Authority
  • Authentication: Two-Factor Authentication
  • Storage: Stored on Virtual Card
  • Security Level: Secured using SHA2 Function
  • Usability: Can be used through the SimplySign Application on Android, iOS or Computers
  • Industry Level RSA/DSA 2048-bit Cryptography: When you sign using the latest document signing cryptography standard, you stamp authenticity.
  • SHA 2 Function: Converts your variable data string into the character data string.
  • Virtual Card Signing: Sign documents using a virtual card. Now, you can put away the worries of misplacing or not being able to access your physical card to sign documents.

To obtain a Certum Document Signing certificate, you must present certain scanned documents online to extract information. You don’t need to send or take the documents to a physical verification center. It only takes 60 seconds to complete the verification process.

The SHA 2 function converts the variable data string you enter into a character data string. This means that you get different hash values for the same data every time. Your documents signed with Certum Document Signing are therefore reliable.

The virtual card document signing provided by Certum is the latest solution to saying no to the old-fashioned physical cards, which can’t be used when forgotten at home. The virtual card stores all the information on your document signing certificate.

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