GoDaddy Wildcard SSL VS. Different Brand Wildcard
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates are a must-have for any Domain that collects sensitive information from its visitors. This technology encrypts the data that is transmitted between a website and its visitors, ensuring that it remains confidential and secure. In this article, we will be comparing two of the most popular SSL Certificate providers in the market: GoDaddy Wildcard SSL Certificates and Comodo Wildcard SSL Certificates. We will be exploring the differences between the two, including the features, validation methods, trust seals, customer support, and pricing.
Product Name | Comodo Wildcard | Go Daddy Wildcard |
Security & Encryption | 256 Bit | 256 Bit |
Issuance Period | Few Minutes | 24 to 75 Hours |
App and Software Support | Unlimited App or software codes signed using one certificate | Unlimited App or software codes signed using one certificate |
Supported Software Platforms | Windows 8, EXE, OCX, MSI, CAB, DLL, kernel software, Adobe AIR, Java, Mozilla and Apple | Windows 8, EXE, OCX, MSI, CAB, DLL, kernel software, Adobe AIR, Java, Mozilla, and Apple |
Site Seal | HTTPS and Padlock | HTTPS and Padlock |
Two Factor Authentication | Available | Available |
Warranty | $10000 | $10000 |
Refund | 100% refund upon cancelation of the certificate within 30 days of purchase | If any Issuance issue Refund in 30 Days |
Price | $42.99 | $449.99 |
Wildcard SSL vs Multi-Domain SSL – Benefits & Limitations
Wildcard SSL Certificate
Benefits of Wildcard Certificates- Wildcard character (*) just before fully qualified domain name allows protection of unlimited sub-domains that makes it more flexible solution for webmasters.
- The main advantage of wildcard certificates is that maintaining them is very easy. That is because you need to manage one certificate only for all your present and future sub-domains. This leads to less administrative cost.
- A major limitation of wildcard certificates is that they can protect sub-domains at one specific domain level only. For example, you can protect, domain. or other similar sub-domains with a wildcard certificate generated for, but that certificate won’t work for, or any other sub-domain that’s more than one level away from the root domain.
Multi-Domain SSL Certificate
Benefits of Multi-Domain (SAN) certificates- Multi-Domain SAN certificates are intended to protect multiple domains/sub-domains with a single certificate. As you can expect, this leads to easy maintenance and reduced administrative costs.
- It can protect different domain names like,,,, where each domain names are count as separate SAN names.
- There’s a limit on how many domains you can protect with these certificates. Majority certificate authorities in the market won’t allow you to protect more than 250 domains. Some of them come with even more restrictions and allow protecting up to 25 domains only. That’s not too much of a problem though, because unless you’re running a huge enterprise, you won’t need to create more than 250 different domains.
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