By now, you’ve probably heard of the internet protocol known as HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). It’s what allows your browser to communicate with websites when you enter a URL. If that sounds familiar, that’s because we’ve already talked about it before in our article on port 80.
But there is another version of this protocol: HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). This one is used for secure communication between your browser and the server hosting the website you’re visiting. In other words, if you see “https://” instead of “http://” in front of a website address when you visit it, that means that all communications are encrypted with SSL/TLS encryption technology so no one else can intercept them or tamper with them as they travel across the internet from your computer to their servers and back again.
Port 443 is the standard port number for HTTPS connections.
HTTPS is the standard for secure communication on the internet.
Using HTTPS, you can communicate with websites that have an SSL certificate. This means that your privacy and identity are protected when you use the internet to access a site that supports HTTPS. Your personal information is kept safe from hackers who may be trying to steal it by monitoring all of your online activity, including emails and instant messages, as well as credit card details if you’re shopping online or logging into an account where your credit card information is required.
This makes it hard for hackers to get this information without permission because they would need access credentials such as passwords or social security numbers before, they could access any resources directly connected with them (e.g., bank accounts).
443 is also the port number used by ArcGIS Web Adaptor to connect to the machine hosting ArcGIS Web Services.
The port number 443 is also the port number used by ArcGIS Web Adaptor to connect to the machine hosting ArcGIS Web Services. If you are using a proxy server and want to use HTTPS and HTTPS over SSL, only 443 will work.
This is the default listening port that a Microsoft IIS webserver uses for SSL security.
When you use ArcGIS Web Adaptor to connect to a machine that is hosting ArcGIS Web Services, the adaptor uses 443 as its default listening port. The HTTPS protocol is used to encrypt the connection between your client application and the server hosting ArcGIS Web Services. The port number 443 is also shared by many other protocols including LDAP, Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Server) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
it’s commonplace.
You use 443 for several common things. It’s used for SSL security and https connections, so it’s a common web traffic port. It’s also the port that ArcGIS Web Adaptor uses to connect to your ArcGIS Server site.
The IIS webservers in Microsoft Windows use 443 as their default port, but they can also be configured to use other ports such as 80 or 81.
Port 443 is the standard port number for HTTPS connections. It’s also used to connect ArcGIS Web Adaptor to the machine hosting ArcGIS Web Services. Port 443 is commonplace and has been around for a long time, so it’s unlikely that you will run into any problems if you need to use this port on your own machine.